آموزش انگلیسی میس راچل آهنگ هاپ خرگوش کوچولو

آموزش / زبان خارجی
تاریخ انتشار : دوشنبه 19 مهر 1400

Have your toddler learn from a real teacher, Ms. Rachel! We’ll start with a favorite toddler song, “Hop Little Bunnies” which encourages language, pretend play, gestures and movement. Next we’ll move to a learning segment where Ms. Rachel encourages babies and toddlers to practice their speech. Ms. Rachel alternates fun kids songs with learning sessions to keep children engaged, interactive and full of joy! Through the whole video, Ms. Rachel is sneaking in the teaching and practicing milestones for babies and toddlers such as speech, imitation, identifying parts of the body, pretend play, gestures and knowing colors, numbers and letters.

Research shows that the most beneficial screen time is interactive and Ms. Rachel carefully plans all of her material to be incredibly interactive and engaging. We also believe in the benefit of seeing real people modeling speech and gestures! All of our videos are based on research and we have many experts on our team such as a speech therapist and an early childhood curriculum expert. Ms. Rachel also includes baby sign language, which is shown to help with communication and speech development!

If you think your child has a speech delay or is not meeting their milestones, definitely talk to your pediatrician now. Also, call early intervention. Every state in the United States has Early Intervention. You may qualify for free speech therapy or other therapies through your state's early intervention program. You can also get evaluated by a private speech therapist. The earlier you do this, the better!

"Georgie" puppet  Copyright 2016 - David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy.  Used with Permission.

Ms. Rachel has a masters degree in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher at a school for children with special needs including autism, apraxia, speech delays, developmental delays, down syndrome and cerebral palsy. She has worked in homes to support families with children with special needs. She believes all children are gifted, precious and our teachers as well!

Check out our other videos such as Talking Toddler, Talking Time, First Words, Learn To Talk, Baby Sign Language, Preschool for Littles and full baby and toddler music classes! We have many learning videos for babies and toddlers that we know you'll love!

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